First of all, so sorry that this blog has been a dead zone. I've been working hard, and don't have internet at home.
"But you could write your posts offline and post them when you have a minute or during lunch." I hear you grumble.
Shh, no-one likes a smart ass.
This post is going to be short, or I plan to be brief but the way I feel right now I could spew all the pent up job frustration and stress all over this blog. I don't want to, but right now I don't really know what I'm feeling so everything could go haywire at any minute.
There is good news though. My BF is hosting his first event, Renaissance Nights this Sunday - 7 November 2010. So come by. R30 gets you 5 live acts and a DJ. Show starts at 17:30 so come early to get a seat, but there is lots of standing space so no one will be turned away.
(I would actually love to say "Not tonight" to somebody. Must be such a power trip.)
There will be bar specials - I call them Soulful Sunday Sundowners (I really think I should trademark that phrase). Check out the flyer.

So hope to see you there. End the weekend on a good note (ha ha,puns) and start the week off right.
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